GUY LAFLEUR delivers an inspiring message at a corporate event

Montreal, Thursday, November 11, 2016 - Former #10 of the Habs motivated the employees of an insurance firm by recounting his career path characterized by perseverance and hard work.

Montreal Canadiens legend Guy Lafleur gave an inspiring speech in front of more than 200 people at a corporate event organized by Manulife Dorval Financial Services Group. He also made himself available to take photos and discuss with all those present on site. The "Démon blond" was very generous of his time!

Manulife is a Canadian insurance company specializing in group plans. It is the largest insurance group in Canada.

The event was held at the luxurious Lebanese restaurant La Sirène in Montreal to motivate and inspire employees, clients and partners. This is a relevant initiative since the Manulife Group is driven by a high-performance work culture that encourages brokers to consistently surpass themselves.

Everyone was unanimous, it was a memorable evening! The boxers from Eye of the Tiger ManagementDavid Lemieux BoxingSteven BangBang Butler and Simon Kean Boxing were present. MVP Group Agency is proud to have participated in this success and to have made Guy Lafleur's participation possible.