GUY LAFLEUR meets COOPER TIRES new clients

Montreal, Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - Guy Lafleur was the guest of honour at a corporate meeting of the Cooper Tires group. The event took place at the Estérel Resort in the Laurentides. The former Montreal Canadiens player was notably present to meet current and potential clients of the American company.

For more than two hours, Guy Lafleur took the time to answer questions from the many guests on site. He mostly talked about his secrets as a hockey player and his best professional and personal experiences. This meant that those present had the opportunity to discover unheard anecdotes about the life of the former number 10 of the Habs.

Cooper Tires is a company specializing in the manufacture, design and sale of tires. Its values are mainly quality and performance. With over a century of experience in the tire industry, Cooper Tires is very attached to its history.

The activity has been a success in all aspects. Guy Lafleur loved to share his experiences with the public and Cooper Tires customers were blessed to be able to talk with this great hockey legend. It was an incredible experience that many will certainly not soon forget.