MAUDE-AIMÉE LEBLANC, ambassador of the 50th anniversary of the Golf de Saint-Pacôme

Desjardins presented the Maude-Aimée Leblanc event as part of the 50th anniversary of the Saint-Pacôme Golf Club.

The Caisses Desjardins du Kamouraska are proud to have supported the Maude-Aimée Leblanc event which took place at the Saint-Pacôme golf course on August 19. This event for the general public is one of the most important activities on the program for the 50th anniversary of the Golf de Saint-Pacôme.

Desjardins thus becomes the major partner of this unique event, with the talented Quebec golfer. "The project presented showed a lot of seriousness and will allow the Kamouraska region to shine throughout Quebec," said François Archambault, President of the Caisse Desjardins de l'Anse de La Pocatière, in collaboration with Ms. Cécile Joseph, President of Caisse Desjardins Centre-Est-du-Kamouraska. For its part, the Saint-Pacôme Golf Club is delighted with this partnership: "We are very privileged to receive the support of Desjardins to make this unique project a reality," declared Mr. Alain Chamberland, administrator of the Club and responsible for the Fêtes du 50th.

Maude-Aimée Leblanc was on the field on Friday, August 19.

Currently back on the LPGA women's world elite circuit, Maude-Aimée has accepted the invitation to be the ambassador for the 50th anniversary of the Saint-Pacôme golf course. The association with this exceptionally talented player is part of the Board of Directors' desire to inspire new generations to develop an interest in this sport.

The event was open to the public. The general public to walk the course with the professional golfer. The free entry also made it possible to follow the two quartets (4 women and 4 men) who will join Maude-Aimée. The privilege of playing with the golfer is reserved for members or former members of the Club de golf Saint-Pacôme was offered to winners.