BRUNY SURIN delivers a nice speech for Nestor real estate agency

Our Olympic medalist Bruny Surin gave an inspiring lecture along with the wise Fares Chmait to inspire real estate brokers at the 2019 Elevation conference. An initiative of Nestor Real Estate Agency in collaboration with MVP Group Agency.

On this beautiful day, many brokers and future real estate brokers had the chance to attend outstanding presentations as part of the Elevation Conference' first edition. This major event hosted by Nestor featured none other than Olympic champion Bruny Surin and Farès Chmait from "Impact-Pro Coaching and Corporate Training".

Bruny Surin tackled the challenges of entrepreneurship, the virtues of perseverance and the importance of surrounding yourself well while Fares Chmait, renowned speaker and executive coach, addressed emotional intelligence in business, the art of negotiating in 2020 and ways to overcome the fear of change. A refreshing conference that was very well adapted to the reality of today's real estate market.

A great success made possible with the help of Multi-Prêts Hypothèques, MVP Group Agency, Félix Morin Créatif and Nestor's team!

Discover a beautiful overview of this incredible day: