PATRICK CÔTÉ and OLI AUBIN-MERCIER introduce the new alcohol-free Coors Edge

Montreal, Friday, July 6, 2018 - Through an initiative of MVP Group Agency, Olivier Aubin-Mercier (UFC athlete) and Patrick Côté (former UFC athlete) collaborated on a vox-pop for social media with the Coors Edge.

The mandate was to gather consumer reactions in Downtown Montreal and get their impressions of the product. It was an exceptional day of filming that allowed the brand to shine in a very competitive market.

The collaboration with these athletes was beneficial for the brand since it is an alcohol-free product. The association was credible, honest and above all, very entertaining!

It was also a perfect opportunity to interact with the two popular UFC figures in a completely different context. The athletes are generally known for their performances in the octagon and not for their smiles in front of the cameras.