SAMUEL PIETTE is the animator of sports video clips for children on RADIO-CANADA

Montreal, Thursday, May 14, 2020 - Samuel Piette, star player of the Montreal Impact, has partnered with Radio-Canada's Zone Jeunesse to produce workout clips to motivate young people to move during quarantine. A Trio Orange's initiative in collaboration with MVP Group Agency.

From his cottage in Mont-Tremblant, Samuel Piette was really busy during quarantine. In fact, in addition to preparing for the return of MLS, the Montreal Impact player also took the opportunity to produce interactive sports videos for young kids. In this particular time of year that forces people to be inactive, it's very important to keep kids moving.

Samuel Piette, who will soon be the father of a newborn baby, joined forces with Étienne Boulay, Kim Gingras and Rahmane Belkebiche for this series of "Bouge!" clips. In all, the professional athlete produced two of them, one soccer type and one jungle immersion type. Captivating videos where he tried to be as dynamic as possible for his audience.

This means that the 25-year-old will be in great shape when his team invites him to come back and train with them. He will also be able to tell himself that he has positively influenced hundreds of youngsters with his excellent work during the pro sports break.

Here's a glimpse of the work Samuel has done: